New arrivals in the subsection «Linguistics, Izhma dialect» of the section «The research papers» of our library. We have added the works of the linguists from Moscow State University: 1) An experimental study of the use of possessive declension in the Izhma dialect of the Komi-Zyryan language (authors – Kashkin E. V. and Pankova M. S.), 2) The dictionary of the Muzhi dialect of the Izhma variation of the Komi-Zyryan language (authors – Biryuk O. L., Kashkin E. V., Kuznetsova A. I., Usacheva M. N.). We express our gratitude to Marina Sergeevna Pankova for the materials provided.
New arrivals in the sections «Television» and «Films» too. We have added the new episode of the As mu vylyn TV program, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the «Izvatas» IPM. In addition, you can watch the new documentary film by the RT TV channel «Tundra women workers. How women live in reindeer herder families». Happy viewing!